Office Ambience – Gmos Sun Ra Mix
The pioneering jazz musician Sun Ra was born 100 years ago this year.
This mix features tracks dating from 1978-81, which was probably his grooviest period.
Listen here:
6:40 am • 28 July 2014
[28 July 2014 10:40am]

The Work Of Franz Xaver Messerschmidt
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt was an 18th century sculptor who completed a series of bizarre ‘character heads’ displaying extremes of emotion.
The artist suffered from agonizing stomach cramps throughout his life and explained that the various grimaces were observed after repeated pinches to his lower ribs, self-administered to take his mind of the stomach pain.
12:06 pm • 23 July 2014
[23 July 2014 4:06pm]

10th edition of 4TUNE comes from Jean-Pierre Braganza who has submitted an original piece of music created by himself and former bandmate Auphelion. Listen on our soundcloud page:
7:54 am • 17 July 2014
[17 July 2014 11:54am]

The Cult Of Cos
Inspiration from art, architecture, Patti Smith and Nick Cave; deconstructed tailoring and Harris Tweed: the most Cos-esque pieces from the upcoming autumn collection by Cos.
Read more:
9:35 am • 15 July 2014
[15 July 2014 1:35pm]

High Trestle Trail Bridge Iowa, USA.
COS recently launched a project called “50 Things: A Collection of Things We Love From America,”
7:54 am • 23 June 2014
[23 June 2014 11:54am]

Matthew Miller Spring Summer 2015 LCM
7:58 am • 18 June 2014
[18 June 2014 11:58am]

Craig Green Menswear SS15 LCM
7:24 am • 18 June 2014
[18 June 2014 11:24am]

Office listening: 4TUNE #09 – Olympia Le-Tan
9:11 am • 11 June 2014
[11 June 2014 1:11pm]